There is an abundance of already existing architectural solutions that work to further the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals. In order to highlight these deserving projects, we have published two guidebooks titled An Architecture Guide to the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals Volume 1 and 2 - both available for download below.
The project has the objective of providing housing for the impoverished riverside communities of Manaus (Brazil), living in precarious and risky situations.
A case study on voluntary relocation developed by the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the design firm KVA MATx to develop solutions to help vulnerable and disaster-affected communities plan for a better future.
A compendium of proven urban sanitation technical solutions for three different settlement types -suburban ward, transforming rural settlement, and greenfield site- in India.
A case study on AKAH's rural housing development program in Gujarat, India.
A lecture by Carlos Moreno
Viceconsejero de Vivienda y Urbanismo, Comunidad de Madrid
Asesora, Proyecto Baan Mankong
Places for People es una empresa británica de gestión inmobiliaria, desarrollo, regeneración y ocio.
Corporación que se crea con la misión de generar una mayor, mejor, más diversa y más rápida oferta habitacional asequible para las familias
Las Colonias Municipales de San Francisco Javier y Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles (en adelante, “las Colonias”), situadas en el distrito de Vallecas, fueron construidas entre 1956 y 1958.
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