
Sao Paulo: Elisabete França, Secretaria Ejecutiva del Departamento de Vivienda de Sao Paulo

Elisabete França es actualmente directora ejecutiva del Programa Mananciais en el Departamento de Vivienda de la ciudad de São Paulo y profesora de la Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado.   


‘Swedish Tenants’ Union – advocacy in negotiating tenant and landlord agreements

All tenants of rented housing in Sweden, including for-profit and non-profit provision, have the right to be involved in negotiating rents and tenancy conditions. This builds on a distinctive history of rented housing regulation which treats all forms of rented housing the same.

Propiedad y tenencia

Low Income Housing Tax Credit in the United States

In the US, most housing subsidies are provided indirectly via the tax system rather than direct public spending.  One of the tax subsidies provided for affordable housing is Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) which were introduced by the Tax Reform Act in 1986. 

Desajustes Política y regulaciones

Housing Finance Agency of Ireland

The Housing Finance Agency (HFA) was established in 1982 and is a public limited company wholly owned by the Irish government. 

Financiaciones Política y regulaciones Promoción y producción Propiedad y tenencia

Community Land Trust Brussels (CLTB)

Community Land Trust Brussels (CLTB) (https://cltb.be/) develops affordable rental and co-ownership housing projects in Brussels for low-income households.

Financiaciones Política y regulaciones Promoción y producción Propiedad y tenencia

Right of occupancy housing in Finland 

Right-of-occupancy housing [1] is a mix of renting and homeownership. Under this model the occupier must first pay a right-of-occupancy payment, generally amounting to 15 per cent of the purchase price.

Financiaciones Política y regulaciones Promoción y producción Propiedad y tenencia

State Housing Development Fund of Slovakia

The State Housing Development Fund (SHDF) of Slovakia was established in 1996 as a revolving fund to finance the priorities of the Government of Slovakia defined in the State Housing Policy Concept. It is an independent entity supervised by the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic. 

Financiaciones Política y regulaciones Promoción y producción Propiedad y tenencia

National Housing Agency of Albania

The National Housing Agency (NHA) of Albania was established in 1993 and is a state-owned enterprise. 

Desajustes Financiaciones Política y regulaciones Propiedad y tenencia

Affordable rental scheme in France – using private homes for social tenants 

Current market conditions are driving significant amounts of capital towards investment in private rental housing and this has contributed to a decline in homeownership in many parts of the UNECE region.

Desajustes Política y regulaciones Propiedad y tenencia