¿Cómo Financiar La Producción de Vivienda Asequible?

Cada vez es más perentoria la necesidad de activar mecanismos públicos y privados para financiar la producción, a gran escala, de vivienda digna y asequible en régimen de compra y de alquiler, en la proporción adecuada, destinada a facilitar la emancipación de los jóvenes y a familias de clase media y baja.  

¿Por qué invertir en el mundo rural? – El caso de la Sierra de la Demanda – Conferencia en SIMA Academy 2022

Exemplary Case
‘Swedish Tenants’ Union – advocacy in negotiating tenant and landlord agreements

All tenants of rented housing in Sweden, including for-profit and non-profit provision, have the right to be involved in negotiating rents and tenancy conditions. This builds on a distinctive history of rented housing regulation which treats all forms of rented housing the same.

Exemplary Case
‘A financial system for the 21st century’ – United Nations Environment Programme inquiry

In 2015, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) conducted an extensive inquiry which examined how the financial system could contribute to achieving SDGs. It brought together practical examples of policy changes in banking, capital markets, insurance, and institutional investment from advanced and developing economies.

Exemplary Case
‘Worst Case Housing Needs’ Reports to Congress

The United States has a well-established system for reporting on appropriate national and local data concerning the affordability, adequacy and availability of housing. Housing conditions in 44 metropolitan statistical areas are assessed. This annual report, published every year since 1991 is known as the ‘Worst Case Housing Needs Report’.

Exemplary Case
#Housing2030, effective policies for affordable housing in the UNECE region. A side event at the II Forum of Mayors 2022

Housing is central to people’s lives and their wellbeing. Making housing affordable and adequate is one of the most important policy challenges at both national and local level, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic when people need to spend more time at home than ever before.  

2022 Global Architecture Exchanges: Affordable Housing

The Global Architecture Exchanges are a unique online series of talks brought to you by the RIBA in collaboration with other professional institutes of architects across the world.

22 homes

Película colectiva, testimonio significativo y único de la arquitectura vista desde las propias ventanas, realizada por futuros arquitectos.

22 homes

Exemplary Case
59 Dwellings, Neppert Gardens Social Housing

The project is located in Mulhouse in a popular district close to the city center, currently under renovation. It includes 59 social rental dwellings developed by SOMCO, operator on public social housing. A few years after the Cité Manifeste experience, our common goal was to pursue the same aims: generous dwellings without increasing the rent.

Exemplary Case
7 innovaciones tecnológicas que están revolucionando el sector de la construcción

8 House

8 House is where you will find the attention to detail embedded in a larger context. Here, closeness thrives in the 62,000 m2 building. This is where the tranquility of suburban life goes hand in hand with the energy of a big city, where business and housing co-exist.

Exemplary Case
85 Social Housing Units in Cornellà

85 dwellings, 543 spaces and 2172 corners For the 10,000 m2 of built surface area of the new building in Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona), consisting of 85 social housing units laid out on five levels, a total of 8,300 m2 of zero kilometre timber from the Basque Country has been used.

Exemplary Case
A Report on Sanitation Technologies for Transforming Urban Settlements

A compendium of proven urban sanitation technical solutions for three different settlement types -suburban ward, transforming rural settlement, and greenfield site- in India.

Exemplary Case
Actualización de la reglamentación departamental de accesibilidad en Montevideo

El 21 de febrero de 2022 fue aprobada la Resolución 868/2022 de la IM que actualizará la reglamentación vigente sobre accesibilidad en espacios urbanos y edificaciones, en el Departamento de Montevideo.  Invitamos a participar de esta instancia, en la que serán abordados los principales aspectos de esta actualización. 

Affordability through the improvement of the existing housing stock

Exemplary Case
Affordable  Accessible Housing  Applied to Egypt

 The Egyptian President Mr.  Abdel Fattah El  Sisi started his Initiative of “Decent Life” for Upper Egypt Inhabitants in 2019.​ 


AFFORDABLE BIO – HOUSES es una propuesta de diseño arquitectónico y urbano, de viviendas asequibles bioclimáticas con la incorporación de huertos verticales hidropónicos,  desarrolladas en una sola planta de 37m2 y 77m2 de terreno con un índice ocupacional del terreno del 48% dando prioridad a los espacios al aire libre con derecho al contacto físico con el suelo, y contacto visual con el cielo y el sol.

Exemplary Case
Affordable housing and city model

Exemplary Case
Affordable Housing Bonus Program, density bonus schemes in California

In a density bonus scheme, a developer is permitted to build a larger project on a site than would otherwise be permitted, in exchange for including specific elements such as a certain percentage of affordable housing units. In some cases, a developer can contribute land or funds for creating off-site affordable housing.

Exemplary Case