The UIA 2022 International Forum hosts more than 30 global debates on housing affordability

- Follow the events on, the first global platform for housing-related content promoted by international institutions.
- The events discuss the six housing affordability barriers identified by the advisory board of the UIA 2022 International Forum “Affordable Housing Activation”.
- This Friday, April 22, ASPRIMA is organizing an event in Madrid that will address the problem of housing finance “title”; and at the Roca Gallery in Barcelona, on 28 April, the debate “Barcelona as an agent of change: urban planning and social housing” will be held.
Madrid, April 20, 2022. The UIA 2022 International Forum “Affordable Housing Activation: Removing barriers” accelerates the promotion of debates around access to housing by holding more than 30 side events around the world within the framework of the Forum supported by the International Union of Architects (UIA) and the Superior Council of Colleges of Architects of Spain (CSCAE).
The events, organized by different international entities, are organized with the aim to initiate the reflection on the main barriers that prevent access to housing, such as financing, imbalances between housing needs and production. Furthermore, these events aim to address the problem from different areas: from the financial, the regulatory or issues related to urban planning and design.
The debate will conclude at the UIA 2022 International Forum “Affordable Housing Activation: Removing Barriers” which will be held in Madrid from 18 to 20 May, that will make the capital of Spain the epicenter of the global debate on accessibility to housing, resulting in an multilateral declaration.
Most relevant events in Spain
Among the most relevant events to be held in Spain there are, the roundtable “How to finance the housing problem?” organized by ASPRIMA on April 22; A debate with the title “Barcelona as an agent of change: urban planning and social housing” will take place at the Roca Gallery in Barcelona on 28 April; or a conference “The Viennese Model: housing for the city of the 21st century” promoted by Guiding Architects Barcelona, which takes place in Madrid on 5 May.
Marta Vall-llossera Ferran, the President of CSCAE, has underlined the international scope of the forum: “The universal right to enjoy adequate housing has become a challenge in all corners of the planet. The multitude of parallel events that we initiated within the framework of the UIA 2022 International Forum have managed to activate a debate around the world, which reflects the concern shared by professionals and institutions and organizations at all levels to address the problem in its magnitude and try to find solutions. that result in the well-being of people”.
The Executive Director of the Forum, Angela Baldellou, highlighted: “This series of debates will help us to promote reflection on the accessibility of housing, one of the biggest global problems of the 21st century, and to mobilize relevant actors to lay the foundation that allow us to tackle this challenge in a collaborative manner, learning from exemplary cases and from a global perspective, as well as adding the necessary visions,socioeconomic and cultural identity factors of the different regions of the planet. The objective is to use the digital platform and the Madrid Forum, based on the identified “barriers”, previous studies and analyzed data, to be able to address a medium and long-term Agenda as a turning point to advance in the collective and individual responsibilities of each agent and take action”.
All events available on the first global housing platform
The UIA 2022 International Forum is an event with maximum international impact whose objective is to contribute to improving access to decent and adequate housing throughout the world, through the generation of global networks and alliances that promote shared knowledge. To this end, the Forum has the first global platform for content related to housing accessibility, in which international experts from the fields of architecture, governance, energy, engineering, economics, urban planning, environment, sociology, design, technology and innovation, and which will feature Artificial Intelligence and the first dynamic Atlases linked to thousands of qualitative indicators from hundreds databases.
The website serves as a platform where the parallel events that are held around the world will be broadcast and exemplary cases from the five continents and the specific visions from the analysis of the barriers that hinder access to housing will be shared. In this sense, comprehensive solutions and perspectives capable of “sewing” the barriers from architecture and urban planning are proposed and involving all the agents with the capacity to mark long-term lines of action, around a future international agreement with the maximum support from organizations, governments, entities and institutions; capable of concentrating and agreeing on the minimum keys of habitability hand in hand with sustainability.
Upcoming events of the UIA International Forum 2022
- April 22. Madrid, Spain. ASPRIMA: Roundtable: “How to finance housing production?”.
- April 22. Tuxpan, Mexico. FERCAM: “Resilient housing in Tuxpan, Nayarit”.
- April 28. Barcelona, Spain. Roca Gallery: “Barcelona as an agent of change. Urban planning and social housing”.
- April 29. Beijing, China. Roca Gallery: “China focus. Affordable housing research”.
- April 30. Quezon City, Philippines. UIA: “Rebuilding Homes from Typhoon Odette: A Post-Disaster Round-table Discussion.”
- May 4. Virtual. Legislative Action for the promotion of adequate and affordable housing
- May 5. Madrid, Spain. COAM: Exhibition “Transforming on a large scale, a new challenge for sustainability. Kleiburg in Amsterdam, Grand Parc in Bordeaux” Mies van der Rohe Foundation
- May 5. Madrid Spain. Guiding Architects Barcelona. Exhibition: “The Viennese Model. Housing for the city of the 21st century”.
- May 6. Brazil. Council of Architecture and Urbanism of Brazil (CAU): “A proposal of Cau Brasil to foster decent housing for all”
- May 8. Madrid, Spain. ICO Foundation: “Anna Heringer: essential beauty. Monographic exhibition on the German architect”.
- May 10. Madrid, Spain. Roca Gallery: “The House we want”.
- May 11. Shanghai, China. Roca Gallery: “Housing challenges. China & Practice”.
- May 11. Buenos Aires, Argentina). UIA: “Analysis of costs between accessible and non-accessible housing and its relationship with the costs of falls in the elderly”.
- May 11. Peru. UIA. Vanessa Zadel Ronald McDonald House “A home away from home: accessible design guide for temporary housing to support families in situation of vulnerability”.
- May 12. Mexico City, Mexico. UIA: “Assessment of the environment by statistical inference, involvement of the architecture professional for the use of statistical information and the identification of public problems”.
- May 12. Uruguay. UIA: “Technical standards for accessible affordable housing”
- May 13. Chile. UIA: “Study of technical solutions in universal accessibility for urban works and housing”.
- May 13 and 14. Colombia. UIA: “AHA International Housing Forum – the Colombian case”
- May 16. Lithuania. Architects Association of Lithuania (Exhibition).
- May 17. Madrid, Spain – College of Architects of Madrid (COAM): “Meeting between the architect and professor Tanos Tanoulas and students from the architecture universities of Madrid”.
- May 17. Madrid, Spain. Real Estate Advisory Group (REM). Panel: “Sources of lack of housing affordability: an evidence from different countries”.
- May 26. London, UK. Roca Gallery: “In conversation with David Mikhail of Mikhail Riches”.
- June 2. Alicante, Spain. Architects Without Borders: “Asertos Program, community regeneration of vulnerable neighborhoods”.
Past events of the UIA International Forum 2022:
- April 6, 7 and 8. Lisbon, Portugal. Presentations, exhibitions and round table on the occasion of the Lisbon Urban Rehabilitation Week
- April 6. Switzerland – #Housing2030, effective policies for affordable housing in the UNECE region
- April 7. Swiss. Scaling-up financing for Sustainable Urban Infrastructure – Experiences from the UNECE Region
- April 8. Dhaka, Bangladesh – Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB): Affordable Housing: reality or Myth?
- April 11. Lithuania. Architects Association of Lithuania: “Holistic renovation of modern housing”
- April 11. Virtual – OnCities2030: “Legislative Action for the promotion of affordable and adequate housing”
- April 15. Swiss. Localizing the SDGs: Voluntary Local Reviews in the UNECE region. Experiences and good practices
- April 20. Madrid, Spain – ASVAL: Mesa Redonda: ¿How to improve housing affordability through public-private partnerships?
- April 20. Madrid, Spain. Roca Gallery “The cities we dream of”
- April 20. Virtual. OnCities2030 and CJUR: Urban Legislation for Adequate and Affordable Housing