The first ‘Dictionary of the industrialization of housing’ in Spain is published

- The publication has been prepared by AEDAS Homes, ÁVIT-A by Avintia Grup, The Prototipo Company, By Urbania and 011h, organizations committed to transforming residential construction.
- This dictionary developed in collaboration with the Superior Council of Colleges of Architects of Spain (CSCAE), defines a hundred terms related to industrialized buildings.
- VIDEO: Presentation of the dictionary and Forum ‘Industrializing housing. Learned lessons’.
Madrid, April 20, 2022.- The first ‘Housing Industrialization Dictionary’ in Spain was published by AEDAS Homes, ÁVIT-A by Avintia Grup, The Prototipo Company, By Urbania and 011h, leading organizations committed to the transformation of residential building construction. The publication, which was developed in collaboration with the Superior Council of Colleges of Architects of Spain (CSCAE), defines a hundred terms related to industrialized building, and is planned to be expanded in the next editions.
This first ‘Dictionary of the industrialization of housing’ in Spain was published with a double objective: to share a vocabulary in the residential development sector in Spain and to promote the modernization of the construction.
“The ‘Dictionary of the industrialization of housing’ seeks to convey and explain all the concepts that surround the innovative construction system that represents industrialization so that the reader understands, in a simple and quick way, what does industrialing the production of housing means”, explained José María Quirós, AEDAS Homes Industrialization Delegate and coordinator of this pioneering publication, at the presentation of the dictionary, which was held at the CSCAE headquarters and is also part of the AHA events of the UIA 2022 International Forum “Affordable Housing Activation”.
The president of the CSCAE, Marta Vall-llosera, has stressed value of the collaboration between the group of companies that came up with the initiative: “It will help the public to know what industrialization in housing development consists of, as well as learn more about the work of modernizing the complex of the sector to adapt to current challenges, betting on new processes and materials that result in the quality of the built environment”.
Among the vocabulary of the first dictionary of industrialization in Spain are terms such as 2D and 3D, Automation, BIM, Assembly line, Certainty, Conciliation, Comfort, Digitization, Ecodesign, Assemble, Equality, Social integration, Know how, Wood, Methods Modern Construction (MMC), Modular, Woman, ODS, Productivity, Professionalization, Recycling, Resilience, Revolution, Security, Vanguard and much more.
This publication comes at a time when the industrialization of residential development, in whole or in part, is already a reality in Spain and is based on Modern Construction Methods (MMC). It is an intelligent construction, also known as Offsite, that combines digitization, technology, innovation and sustainability. “Industrialization is called to mark the path of the future of construction by providing reduction in terms, better quality of execution or economy of scale. It stands as a solution to great current challenges in the sector such as cost control, the attraction of qualified labor or respect for the environment”, is written in the dictionary.
Forum ‘Industrializing housing. Learned lessons’
Coinciding with the presentation of the first ‘Dictionary of the industrialization of housing’, the Forum ‘Industrializing housing. Lessons learned’ where José María Quirós, AEDAS Homes Industrialization Delegate; José Ignacio Esteban, ÁVIT-A General Director; Javier López, Technical Director of Urbania;
and Ferrán Urgellés, Head of Industrialization 011h. A forum that was convened by Beatriz Toribio, Real Estate Analyst. [View Forum]
The participants in the Forum discussed the experience of their companies in the industrialization of housing construction, the present and future recipes for success
to promote this innovative construction system, the points of resistance that have been found, the benefits for the potential buyer of an ‘offsite’ house, the new materials that are being incorporated into the manufacture of houses such as wood, the opportunity they represent the Next Generation funds for the development of this activity or the future of Modern Construction Methods (MMC).
They all agreed that initiatives such as the creation of the first dictionary of industrialization in Spain improve the real estate sector and represent another step towards the necessary innovation required by the construction and residential development sector.