Revolving funds and auctioning – Austria, Czechia, France, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia

Revolving funds are a strong catalyst of energy-efficiency renovation in several countries. While they function in different ways, the general idea is that they provide low-interest loans to qualified owners and developers constructing and/or renovating (affordable) housing units.

Caso de Éxito
Richard Florida

Richard Sennet

Right of occupancy housing in Finland 

Right-of-occupancy housing [1] is a mix of renting and homeownership. Under this model the occupier must first pay a right-of-occupancy payment, generally amounting to 15 per cent of the purchase price.

Caso de Éxito
Robert Lewis-Lettington

Roca se convierte en patrocinador del Foro Internacional UIA 2022

Roca se suma al debate global sobre el acceso a la vivienda y organizará 7 eventos AHA en centros Roca Gallery de todo el mundo.

Rue de Meaux Housing Complex

The building is located in a densely populated area of the 19th arrondisement in Paris. The building, with a rectangle general shape, can be thought of as a mass built to fit into the existing urban fabric on its outside perimeter while its center has been "carved out" to accommodate an interior green space.

Caso de Éxito
Ruth Schagemann

Rüta Leitanaitè

Safe Housing and Resilient Communities

A case study on AKAH's rural housing development program in Gujarat, India.

Caso de Éxito
Sao Paulo: Elisabete França, Secretaria Ejecutiva del Departamento de Vivienda de Sao Paulo

Elisabete França es actualmente directora ejecutiva del Programa Mananciais en el Departamento de Vivienda de la ciudad de São Paulo y profesora de la Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado.   

Caso de Éxito
Sara Topelson

Saskia Sassen

Schots 1 and 2

Further to winning the Europan 3 competition, in 1994 S333 were commissioned to develop a structure plan for the CiBoGa terrain, a 14-h, post-industrial site on the edge of the centre of Groningen.

Caso de Éxito
Scottish Social Housing Charter & Scottish Housing Regulator

In 2012 the Scottish Government established the Scottish Social Housing Charter, a series of outcomes and standards for all social landlords. The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) measures landlord performance against these, mainly through an Annual Return on the Charter (ARC) submission.

Caso de Éxito
Se constituye el comité institucional del FORO UIA 2022

El comité está formado por representantes de La UIA, el CSCAE, el Gobierno de España, la Comunidad de Madrid, el Ayuntamiento de Madrid, ONU-Hábitat y el COAM.

Semana da Reabilitação Urbana de Lisboa

La IX Semana da Reabilitação Urbana de Lisboa es un evento presencial de 3 días, con sesiones de conferencia en palco principal, sesiones paralelas y jornadas de temática jurídica.

Seminario Vivienda y Ciudad

Reflexionar sobre los problemas de la vida cotidiana en general y en particular la dirigida a los sectores de bajos ingresos en Colombia. 

Sérgio Magalhães

Sergio Nasarre
