Home Experts Manuel Blanco-Lage

Manuel Blanco-Lage


Is a Doctor of Architecture and is currently facing his second term as director of the ETSAM. Professor of Architectural Composition at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, he teaches Analysis of Architecture and Analysis of the Image of the City. He has also been director of the Madrid Higher Fashion Design Center from 2013 to 2017 and is currently its CEO. In addition, he directs the Research Group and the doctoral program “Architecture, Design, Fashion & Society”. He was the first director of the National Museum of Architecture and Urbanism of Spain, 2007.

In 2006 he was Curator of the Spanish Pavilion, X Biennale di Architettura di Venezia with Spain [f] Nosotras, las Ciudades. He has also been the winner of the Museography contest of the Royal Collections Museum, is in charge of the project of the two exhibition halls. In addition, he has been a patron of the Madrid Designers Association Foundation DIMAD and a member of ICAM International Confederation of Architectural Museums. Director I International Congress of Archives of Architecture.